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I am back from holidays, it was wonderful* and tadaa, I finally fixed the formatting. (Still not very beautyful, though.)
Got tagged by Flubberwurm quite a while ago. Thank you, it was a lot of fun to answer your questions! (And sorry for switching between english and german all the time. I am terrible. And lazy.)


In meinem Leben habe ich keinen Platz für Rosinen.
Ich behaupte ja immer, ich sei kein Katzenmensch, aber um ehrlich zu sein kann ich „Nero Corleone“  auswendig. (Die Madonnina lebte schon so lange auf dem Hof, dass niemand wusste, wie alt sie war. Zehn Jahre, zwölf Jahre? Sechzehn? Oder vielleicht doch erst acht? Den Namen verdankte sie ihrem hellroten Kopf, der genau in die Mitte fromm gescheitelt war, wie bei einer kleinen Madonna. Zweimal im Jahr bekam die Madonnina Junge, im Frühling und im Herbst. Und wenn der Bauer die Kleinen rechtzeitig in ihrem Versteck fand, dann ertränkte er sie… glaubste jetzt!?)
(Das ist der Grund, warum ich Jahre für solche Fragebögen brauche, sie stürzen mich in Identitätskrisen.)
4. I like tumblr, but I am a loser with actually blogging. So I am just lurking around adoring the people I follow (as everywhere else).
5. Ich schreibe tausendmal lieber auf Deutsch als auf Englisch. Irgendwie habe ich für die englische Sprache kein wirkliches Gespür.
I am terrible at recognizing people and remembering faces, even after I’ve met a person a couple of times. And the bad thing is, people ALWAYS seem to notice… (Tach, eh, Frau….!) Und ich habe heute (= vor einigen Wochen) zufällig rausgefunden, dass es dafür sogar einen Begriff gibt, Prosopagnosie, ha. Es klingt so schön (Seelenblindheit klingt sogar noch schöner), ich hätte eine schön klingende Entschuldigung für einen Wesensfehler, der in Wahrheit wohl nur als geistige Trägheit zu bezeichnen ist.
10 Fakten sind zu viel bei meiner bescheidenen Biografie, ich merk das schon.
In all these goddam dA-years I couldn’t find a fitting Alter Ego for myself. Do I have to worry? Honestly… do I?
In meinem Vierte-Klasse-Zeugnis steht “Ihr trockener Humor bereichert die Klassengemeinschaft”, worauf ich mir auch jetzt im hohen Alter noch viel einbilde.
10. Ich hab das Gefühl, dass ich alle immer nur nerve. (Hier sollte ein Plz von Rex aus Toy Story hin, aber ich find keins. Das ist auch wieder nervig.)

The whole Lotta-questions:

1. Who are your favourite writers? Why?
Michael Ende, quite the first writer whose name I knew (sieht man von MANFRED JENNING ab)  and who influenced my language, thinking and reality sensation very much. I read his books over and over and couldn’t get enough of the audio books. Heh, probably the fate of most german kids who read...
Michael Crichton. You may probably see him as a mainstream author, but I really love his laconic language and hidden dry humor. Also, his impartiality towards… quite everything (especially shown in his autobiography “Travels”) quite impressed and inspired me. Not to mention that Jurassic Park meant the world for me in my youth. ;)
But I also adore Stephen King, Woody Allen, Franz Kafka, Philip K. Dick and so many more which I can’t think of at the moment, so sorry.
2. What is something that you suck at, that you would really love to be able to do well?

I would love to be able to sing well so I  could sing my own title music. I’d also love to have an enjoyable charismatic voice (like God) and be able to talk as educated as Werner Herzog.
3. A movie that never fails to make you cry?

Okay this is maybe a weird answer, but -
Mrs Doubtfire. (Especially that last scene in which Mrs Doubfire answers the sad kid’s letter. In general it’s one of those few “divorce/ social problems”-movies I find really comforting.)

(And yes, I actually wrote this down the exact day before Robin died. :c Is sad.)
4. A fictional character you very closely relate to?

Most likely all those neurotic melancholic desperated Woody-Allen-Characters. Let’s just pick Kleinmann from the play “Death”. Und den Nörk.
(“Er ist ein großartiger kleiner Vogel, nicht wahr?”) Probably Kat from the German novel “Die Mitte der Welt“ (and the short story “Die Katze”). Definitely Peter McVries from The Long Walk. And unfortunately Harold Lauder, one of the most outrageous characters of King’s “The Last Stand”... (couldn’t do anything about it.) And for some reason Moe and Smithers from The Simpsons.
5. When it comes to creating art, who/what are your biggest inspirations? What do you hope to convey through your art?

I just have to look at pictures of Peter de Seve and the spontaneity and vividness of his drawings get me GOOSEBUMBS of inspiration (well.. or just adoration). Spontaneity and vividness and “sympathized” art which seems to come very directly from the drawer generally attracts me very much (also Heinrich Kley, Honoré Daumier, Joanna Quinn, Jutta Bauer, sketches of Hayao Miyazaki, TasteslikeAnya and Han-Wik, hehe!). I just like autencity, blabla. But I also deeply enjoy atmospheric art, especially Edward Hopper and the unequalled Zdenek Burian.  Besides that - well, life of course, what else, bleibt ja nicht viel übrig. Friends are muses. (:
And what to convey? Erm. I don’t have an exact conception of that. If my art “makes” something with the viewer (it should not be anger, maybe...), I am satisfied. I also love to motivate people, there shall be more art.
Art is so important.
6. Tell me a childhood story! Pretend this was a question!
So let me answer your QUESTION...
Ich hab’ mal auf einem Kindergeburtstag einen Aufstand gemacht, weil sich irgendjemand vor mir „Pokemon 2 – die Macht des Einzelnen“ vom Gastgeber ausgeliehen hatte. Irgendwann waren alle entsetzlich entnervt und ich hab‘ die Kassette doch noch gekriegt – und, äh, ich befürchte, ich hab‘ sie heute noch. (Tut mir leid, anderes Kind dessen Namen ich vergaß – mein religiöser Wahn war einfach stärker. Und das hast du davon, Franzi M., wenn du behauptest, in dem Film „würden die ja eh nur durch Grün gehen total langweilig“ – wer Pokémon 2 langweilig finden entbindet mich natürlich jeglicher Rückgabepflicht!)

7. If you could do just one project (and could be sure that it will succeed), what is it that you would love to do? (I'm thinking about art here, but it can be anything you like)
Aww. I like that “Could be sure that it will succeed”. Maybe you just have to say that again and again before actually starting a project, that seems to be a very good motivating technique. ;) (Und hundertprozentige Frustrationsgarantie, wenn’s doch schief geht, grummelte irgendjemand im Hintergrund.)

I would love to do an animation short some day. (Or just working on all those films or theater pieces – imagine that! - which will be made based on your awesome stories and characters, thehe.)
8. Something you once liked but now feel really ashamed about? (come on!
Sorry, just a 90’s classic: Diddl (und diese bescheuerten Tattooketten)
9. What would you like to improve about your art? What are you proud of?

Drawing humans, drawing proper/working anatomy, perspective, rooms, colour techniques, drawing more concentrated...
And as hard as I try, I can’t think of anything that I am really proud of. Everything’s so changeable and there’s nothing I am permanently good at...
What are you procrastinating right now? ;)
Uff, Zeug zeichnen, Briefe schreiben, ein Leben haben.

Tada, my questions or rather say commands:

1. A song that you are listening to a lot at the moment and of which you know (or hope) that it will always remind you of this summer.
2. What do you think you’d be like now if you had never joined an online community?

3. Working at night or at daytime?
4. A thing you’d never thought of you would achieve (or feel or whatever).

5. Favourite Dragon picture of all time!! NOW!!
6. A book that you want everyone to read.
7. A book that you want nobody to read because it’s “yours”. ;) (Okay I guess nobody will answer this 8D)
8. First website your registered on the internet? At which age?
9. First thing on your bucket list.
10. A quote from a book that you didn’t necessarily like but stuck in your head anyway.

I also got tagged by :iconrealalike:. Sorry for the overload of personal information. I am sure you’re dying to know…

1. Which 3 countries would you like to visit the most?
Finland, Fiji, Costa Rica
2. You favourite foreign language?

Erm… I don’t know any language well enough to have a real opinion on that! I find those complicated language like Russian and finish quite fascinating, though…
3. Hit or run?

Uh, depends. I can imagine myself so well with making the wrong decision, trying to hit and get killed very fast. :I
4. What do you like the most in your life?

Books, Movies, Art, that stupid gay elephant, babbling with like-feathered birds, lying on my bed, staring at the clouds and listening to a favourite audio book.
5. Where do you prefer to swim: river, lake, ocean, or something else?


And I tag... (sorry if you were tagged alreay, I lost the orientation... übersicht dings..)
:iconwelanga: :iconanatoliba: :icontemr: :iconoctolips: :iconnanook94: :iconcomradek: ...and of course everyone who wants to do this! (Please feel free to answer the questions in the comments, if you're in the mood - I am a curious little asshole and love to read about you!)

 *Dear god, it was. I even found amber at the beach, imagine that, and a most dubious fossil. I will submit pictures asap, maybe someone here has an idea what it might be.

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Chepseh's avatar
He he, ich hab mich in vielen Infos von dir selber wiedererkannt. Hie und da sind wir aber auch gegensätzlich. Hach ja, faszinierende Welt der humanen Psyche.

I even found amber at the beach, imagine that, and a most dubious fossil. I will submit pictures asap, maybe someone here has an idea what it might be."
Wir warten? ;) Wenn du's hochlädst, beantworte ich dafür deine zehn Fragen, da du ja
"I am a curious little asshole and love to read about you". :)